Griffith North Public School

Care, Respect, Responsibility.

Telephone02 6962 1043


Starting this year, all students at Griffith North Public School are able to access the 'Mathletics' website. It is an excellent educational-based website that will assist all students to improve their mathematic skills and knowledge.

Mathletics is a global community of 4 million students in over 17,000 schools and homes around the world.

With dedicated student interfaces for Primary and Secondary-aged learners, Mathletics provides a safe, secure and engaging online world of learning for all students. Rewards and certificates keep students motivated, with mathematical gaming to expand upon the core strands learned along the way.

Mathletics includes well over 1100 individual adaptive practice activities, covering early years to year 12 – each fully aligned to a number of international curricula. Each strand, topic, domain or learning outcome is fully supported with activities, each with pre and post testing.

You can access 'Mathletics' from home by clicking on the following link.

Have a look at this wonderful website today!